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Eligibility Criteria

Age Eligibility: Age Limit For SSC CGL Applications

Type Limit
Group B Minimum: 18 years / Maximum: 27 years
Group C Minimum: 18 years / Maximum: 27 years

For Other Posts

SSCL CGL Post Required Age
Statistical Investigator Grade II Max. 32 years
Assistant in CSS 20 – 30 years
Assistant in IB 21 – 30 years
Assistant Enforcement Officer/SI in CBI/SI in NIA 30 years
SI in Central Bureau of Narcotics 18 – 27 years

Age Relaxation

Code No. Category Permissible age relaxation
1. SC/ ST 5 years
2. OBC 3 years
3. Persons with Disabilities (PWD) 10 years
4. PWD + OBC 13 years
5. PWD + SC/ ST 15 years
6. Ex-Servicemen 03 years after deduction of the military service rendered from the actual age as on the closing date.

Education Qualification

Graduation in any discipline from a recognized university/institution. The educational qualifications vary according to the post for SSC CGL and are listed below:

SSC CGL Post Educational Qualification
Assistant Audit Officer Bachelor's Degree in any subject from a recognized University.
Desirable Qualification: CA/CS/MBA/Cost & Management Accountant/ Masters in Commerce / Masters in Business Studies
Statistical Investigator Grade – II Post Bachelor's Degree from any recognized University with minimum 60% in Mathematics in Class 12th
Bachelor's Degree in any discipline with Statistics as one of the subjects in graduation
Compiler Posts Bachelor's Degree from any recognized University with Economics or Statistics or Mathematics as compulsory or Elective Subject
All Other Posts Bachelor's Degree in any discipline from a recognized University or equivalent
Important Note The candidates appearing in the final year of their graduation can also apply, however they must possess Essential qualification

Physical Fitness Requirements: Apart from the above, there are certain requisite Physical Standards for Inspector (Central Excise/ Examiner/Preventive Officer), Sub-Inspector in CBI (Central Bureau of Investigation) and Sub-Inspector in NIA (National Investigation Agency).


SSC CGL Exam Pattern

Every year Staff Selection Commission (SSC) carries out the Combined Graduate Level (CGL) in four levels for various posts.

Tier Type Mode
Tier – I Objective Multiple Choice Computer Based (online)
Tier – II Objective Multiple Choice Computer Based (online)
Tier – III Descriptive Paper in English/Hindi Pen and Paper mode
Tier – IV Skill Test/Computer Proficiency Test Wherever Applicable

This is good for preparing to make a note of SSC CGL exam Pattern & Syllabus, before starting the exam SSC CGL preparation. SSC CGL Exam Pattern for Tier 1 & 2 are given below:

SSC CGL Tier 1 and Tier 2 exam will be held online.

A descriptive paper is introduced which will be of 100 marks with a time limit of 60 minutes in pen and paper mode.

The time limit for examination of Tier -I is reduced from 120 minutes to 75 minutes.

Tier II will remain same.

There will be no sectional cut off.

SSC CGL Syllabus

Since the SSC CGL is consists of 4 levels of examination, therefore, the syllabus of the same should be dealt with independently.

SSC CGL Tier I Exam & Syllabus

Tier 1 is an objective exam which will be held online. It will have 4 sections in Tier 1 exam of SSC CGL, with 100 questions. Each question will carry 2 marks which makes a total of 200 marks.

The subject-wise bifurcation of marks is given below:

Section Subject No of Questions Max Marks Exam Duration
1. General Intelligence and Reasoning 25 50 60 minutes
2. General Awareness 25 50 (For VH & Candidates suffering from Cerebral Palsy: 80 minutes)
3. Quantitative Aptitude 25 50 (For VH & Candidates suffering from Cerebral Palsy: 80 minutes)
4. English Comprehension 25 50 (For VH & Candidates suffering from Cerebral Palsy: 80 minutes)
Total 100 200

Important Points:

1. SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam will have negative marking. One wrong answer to a question will deduct 0.5 marks from the total of all sections.

2. For visually handicapped the exam duration is 100 minutes.

SSC CGL TIER 1 Subjective Syllabus

Question paper of SSC CGL Tier 1 will have four sections and those will be based on the 10th and 10 + 2 level syllabus. Syllabus of Tier 1 of SSC CGL is given below which is based on the previous year questions appearing in the last five years.

Full Syllabus of SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam

General Intelligence & Reasoning Quantitative Aptitude:
1. Analogies 1. Computation of whole numbers decimals
2. Similarities and Differences 2. Fractions and relationships between numbers
3. Space visualization 3. Percentage
4. Spatial orientation 4. Ratio & Proportion
5. Problem solving & Analysis 5. Square roots
6. Judgment & Decision making 6. Averages
7. Visual memory 7. Interest
8. Discrimination & observation 8. Profit and Loss
9. Relationship concepts 9. Discount
10. Arithmetical Reasoning and figural classification 10. Partnership Business
11. Arithmetic Number Series 11. Mixture and Allegation
12. Non-verbal series 12. Time and distance
13. Coding and Decoding 13. Time & Work
14. Statement conclusion 14. Basic algebraic identities of School Algebra & Elementary surds
15. Syllogistic reasoning 15. Graphs of Linear Equations
16. Semantic Analogy 16. Triangle and its various kinds of centers
17. Symbolic/Number Analogy 17. Congruence and similarity of triangles
18. Figural Analogy 18. Circle and its chords, tangents
19. Semantic Classification 19. Angles subtended by chords of a circle
20. Symbolic/Number Classification 20. Common tangents to two or more circles
21. Figural Classification 21. Triangle
22. Semantic Series 22. Quadrilaterals
23. Number Series 23. Regular Polygons
24. Figural Series 24. Right Prism
25. Problem Solving 25. Right Circular Cone
26. Word Building 26. Right Circular Cylinder
27. Numerical Operations 27. Sphere & Hemispheres
28. Symbolic Operations 28. Rectangular Parallelepiped
29. Trends 29. Regular Right Pyramid with triangular or square base
30. Space Orientation & Visualization 30. Trigonometric ratio
31. Venn Diagrams 31. Degree and Radian Measures
32. Drawing inferences 32. Standard Identities
33. Punched hole/pattern –folding & unfolding 33. Complementary Angles
34. Figural Pattern – folding and completion 34. Heights and Distances
35. Indexing 35. Histogram
36. Address matching 36. Frequency polygon
37. Date & city matching 37. Bar diagram & Pie chart
38. Classification of center codes/roll numbers -
39. Small & Capital letters/numbers coding -
40. Decoding and classification -
41. Embedded Figures -
42. Critical thinking -
43. Emotional & Social Intelligence -
General Awareness English Comprehension
1. India and its neighboring countries 1. Reading Comprehension
2. History 2. Fill in the Blanks
3. Culture 3. Spellings
4. Geography 4. Phrases and Idioms
5. Economics 5. One word Substitution
6. General politics & scientific research 6. Sentence Correction
7. Current Affairs -

SSC CGL Tier 2 Exam Pattern & Syllabus

Tier 2 exam is an objective exam which will be conducted online. There are four sections in this Tier with 100 questions which account for a total of 200 marks.

The subject-wise details are given below:

Paper Subject No of Questions Max Marks Exam Duration
1. Quantitative Abilities 100 200 2 Hours
2. English Language and Comprehension 200 200 2 Hours
3. Statistics 100 200 2 Hours
4. General Studies (Finance & Economics) 100 200 2 Hours

Important Points:

Paper-1 and Paper-2 are compulsory for all posts

Paper-3 is only for the post of "Statistical Investigator Gr. II" & "Compiler"

Paper-4 is only for the post of "Assistant Audit Officer"

There will be negative marking in SSC CGL Tier 2 exam.

One wrong answer to a question will deduct 0.5 marks in Paper-1,3,4 and 0.25 marks in Paper-2.

Level for Paper 1 Questions will be of 10th standard l, Paper-2 of 10+2 level and Paper-3 & 4 on graduation level.

The computer will be made available by the Commission at the Centre/venue allocated for the exam

Candidates shall not be allowed to bring their own Key-board for the purpose.

The duration of the exam is 2 Hours and 40 Minutes for candidates who are visually handicapped.

SSC CGL Tier 3 Exam Pattern & Syllabus

This is a descriptive exam with the purpose of testing the written skills of the candidates in English/Hindi. It is held offline. The candidates are required to write Essay/Letter/Application/Precis. In order to prepare for this section one needs to read lots of articles from various newspapers and magazines. Besides this, you need to be well-versed with the latest pattern of Letter and Application.

Important Points:

The duration of this exam is of 60 minutes' and carries 100 marks.

10+2 level questions are asked in this exam.

It is a qualifying exam.

The duration of the exam duration 80 minutes for candidates who are visually handicapped or suffering from cerebral palsy.

SSC CGL Tier 4 Exam Pattern & Syllabus

Tier 4 Exam of SSC CGL Exam will have the couple of skill tests which are necessary for certain government posts.

1. DEST (Data Entry Speed Test): It is a qualifying skill test for all the posts, other than Compiler. It is held to test the typing speed of the candidate. In this test, the candidates are given the printed material in English which they should type accurately on a computer with a minimum of 2000 (two thousand) key depressions. The duration of this test is 15 (fifteen) minutes.

2. CPT (Computer Proficiency Test): SSC will hold CPT, in three modules - Word Processing, Spread Sheet and Generation of Slides. It will be applicable for applicants of Assistants of CSS. CPT is a qualifying test?

FEES - Rs. 12,000/-